Welcome to Oink Midrand!
Oink is back! Add your company to the Oink Midrand Business Directory. Help us grow your business, while we grow our own and promote the Greater Midrand region locally and abroad. This website is NEW and open to listing submissions and new member sign up’s. For Free advertising claim your user account, add your services and get powered by Oink! NB* Oink Midrand is currently under development but open to new member lsitings!
Featured Companies
Business Directory
Oink provides a simple, free business directory dedicated to your company info. No advertising will appear on listings. Your page is for the purpose of advertising your business and Oink will not intrude on that space. EVER. It’s yours and FREE! It always will be. Take two minutes to sign up and add your company profile, link, images etc.
Websites & Blogs
Oink has experimented, built, optimized, restored and developed WordPress and Joomla websites since 2007. We also use free technologies to build websites which suit our clients budget. We then use that tech to provide a professional, optimized identity for your business or personal website. Get in touch. Oink has a plan.
A Bit About Us
Oink Midrand empowers businesses with a comprehensive web design solution, encompassing free directory listings, WordPress development, SEO and SEM expertise to boost your online presence, attract customers and build your clientiele. It’s an Oinking good thing. Start at the link below and grow with us!
Advertise With Oink!
We offer free and paid advertising opportunities via this website. The business directory is free for all members and that will never change. You may find Google advertising on our site, these are placed in pages and blog posts, but never on directory listings. Banner advertising is available on the home page and across the website. Speak to us about advertising your business in strategic places on this platform.